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Dealing with conflict is never easy. We understand that, because since 1979 we have helped thousands of people successfully resolve all sorts of disputes. Mediation helps people develop their own fair and lasting solutions to a variety of problems and conflicts.

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a process where people with differing views sit down with an impartial third party to discuss issues they need help resolving. The mediator guides and facilitates conversation, helping people to sort out their needs and interests. With the help of the mediator, the people involved generate different options to meet those needs. Together, they arrive at workable solutions. The mediator does not act as a judge, does not make decisions and does not impose solutions. All decisions are made by the people involved.

The mediation process is voluntary, and completely confidential. Your privacy is respected throughout. Mediators will not share anything you tell them, either with family members or other people or agencies, unless you specifically ask them to. (Exception: harm to yourself or anyone else, planned commission of a crime, child or elder abuse.)

Mediation is a win-win process. It allows everyone involved to hear and understand each other. Mediated agreements are mutually satisfying, reflecting the input of all parties. Most importantly, people use mediation because it is effective. Between 65% and 70% of people who choose to mediate reach resolution.

For more information, please see this video: 


Who is Mediation For?

Mediation is a flexible conflict resolution process that can help people in a variety of situations successfully resolve a dispute. Some examples of people and groups that use mediation include:

  • Couples in the process of Divorce or Separation (married or un-married): parenting plans, finances, property division and communication.
  • Families: Elders and Parent/Teen
  • Landlords and tenants, roommates, condo associations: repairs & maintenance, evictions, security deposits and other housing complaints.
  • Neighbors: noise, pets, nuisances, harassment and property disputes.
  • Co-workers, Employers/Employees
  • GLBT: separation, finance, parenting, discrimination, property division, home ownership and adoption agreements.
  • Organizations: disputes within or between groups or boards.
  • Consumers: Small Claims and other court, business and contract cases.

Learn more in our Mediation FAQs.