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What are the Benefits of Mediation?

  • Usually less costly than litigation, both financially and emotionally.
  • Allows you to control the decision-making process.
  • Private and confidential.
  • Often helps reduce hostility.

How Long Does it Take to Schedule a Mediation?

Generally 2 weeks, once we complete an intake/screening phone interview with each participant, if all participants have agreed to mediate.

How Long is a Mediation Session?

Mediation sessions usually last 2-3 hours. Sometimes issues can be resolved in a single session; sometimes additional sessions are needed.

What is the Fee for Mediation?

Fees are based on a sliding scale in accordance with the income of each participant. CDSC's fees are per session, not per hour. They range from $40 to $330. There is a separate fee scale for organizations, profit and not-for profit. See the CDSC Mediation Fee Schedule.

Who are the Mediators? Can I Pick a Mediator?

CDSC's roster has 60 mediators with diverse backgrounds such as law, social work, education, human resources, and business. Generally, two mediators work together as co-mediators. CDSC staff selects the mediators for your case, based on your type of case and their areas of specialization and availability.

Do I Need an Attorney?

CDSC's philosophy is that good mediation does not replace good legal advice. You do not need a lawyer to begin your mediation. However, depending on the issues, the mediators may recommend a lawyer. It is important to any solid outcome that you know your legal rights and responsibilities.

What Issues are Not Appropriate for Mediation?

Where there is domestic abuse or substance abuse, mediation may not be the right forum. Any situation in which there is a restraining order requires careful screening as for mediation; if there is an active restraining order, you must  request a temporary lifting of the restraining order for the purpose of mediation.

If you are looking for an investigation or an evaluation, mediation at CDSC is not the right option.

What is the Outcome of Mediation?

If you reach an agreement in mediation, you and the mediators will decide whether you want to put the terms of your agreement into a signed, written document or whether you'd prefer to have a verbal agreement and/or a handshake.

Is an Agreement Enforceable?

A written mediated agreement, signed by both/all participants, may have the effect of a contract and be enforceable by a court, as determined by the court.

Does Mediation Substitute for Legal Advice?

Good mediation does not replace good legal advice. We recommend you receive your own legal advice, before and throughout the mediation process to help you make informed decisions.
If you are looking for legal advice, please click here for legal assistance.

How Do I Get Started?

Contact us to find out more.

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