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We are pleased to share the CDSC 2012 Annual Report with a years' worth of pictures and asking for your continued commitment to CDSC.

Click here to view the CDSC 2012 Annual Report.

We are proud to report that our favorite theme, Be All In, is clearly reflected in our accomplishments:

  • BE focused on our mission to provide affordable mediation services and training.
  • Make ALL of our efforts inclusive and collaborative.
  • Celebrate the many ways volunteers participate IN our work.

As we look ahead to the new year, here are some of the issues we want to address:

  •  How do we influence more people to choose mediation at earlier stages of conflict?
  •  How do we educate more mediators to understand the impact of culture on resolving conflict?
  •  How do we deliver conflict management skills to more organizations and agencies?

Your support matters in helping CDSC provide affordable and accessible mediation and training services to the community. We invite you to join our efforts by making a generous year-end gift.

    Be All In!

 Click here to make your gift to CDSC.