Here at CDSC we are keeping a close eye on a case currently before the state Supreme Judicial Court that could negatively impact the work that CDSC does as well as the work of similar organizations around the state.
Registration for our Fall 2024 Mediation training is open!
See our Events page for details and to register.
Sign up to join our CDSC Bash on Oct. 24, 2024!
See upcoming events in our new News and Events section for more information.
Join our weekly info session about CDSC and mediation
Informations sessions are every Monday from 12 to 12:30pm.
CDSC empowers individuals and communities to solve problems collaboratively through conflict resolution services and training.
Want to learn more about mediation and CDSC?
Join our new weekly information session for answers to your questions about CDSC and mediation.
Ask about mediation, why it matters, what is CDSC and what we offer, and get the answers from staff.
Information sessions are held every Monday from 12 to 12:30pm
Please come meet the CDSC staff and ask questions!
Takin' it to the Streets: How a community mediation center responded to emerging needs Read article here
CDSC is providing FREE mediation services to Tenants and Landlords involved in evictions.
This program is part of the Massachusetts statewide Eviction Diversion Initiative, run by the MA Office of Public Collaboration (MOPC) and the MA Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD).
If you are a Tenant or Landlord, dealing with eviction or other housing-related conflicts OR if you have any questions about your eligibility for our mediation services,
Please Contact our Housing Case Manager at
Here at CDSC we are keeping a close eye on a case currently before the state Supreme Judicial Court that could negatively impact the work that CDSC does as well as the work of similar organizations around the state.