This one-day workshop will help you apply and extend your mediation skills to the facilitation of multi-party conflicts.
- You will learn how to collaboratively design a process, how to prepare people to participate and how to stay grounded in difficult moments.
- In this interactive training workshop, you will be involved in exercises, discussion, case study and problem solving.
Conducted by: A topnotch facilitator from the Public Conversations Project (PCP).
About the Public Conversations Project: PCP has facilitated conversations on the most contentious issues of our time for the past twenty-five years. Their Reflective Structured Dialogue model has become a standard for facilitation when deep conflicts are rooted in values, beliefs or identity. In this experiential workshop, you will benefit from some of the lessons learned about creating an effective process based on the needs of the participants in contentious, multi-party contexts.
When: Wednesday April 1, 2015 9am to 5pm
~Lunch will be provided.
Where: CDSC, 60 Gore Street, Cambridge, MA 02141
Fee: $225. Reduced fee for CDSC Pro Bono Mediators: $100
Enrollment: Limited to 20. Enroll early!
Pre-requisite: 30-hour Mediation Training (*)
The Community Dispute Settlement Center, Inc. (CDSC) is pleased to sponsor this workshop in collaboration with the Public Conversation Project who has customized the curriculum for mediators.
(*)If you are interested in this topic and have not been trained as a mediator, CDSC offers 33-hour Mediation Training twice each year, Spring and Fall. Next session begins March 19, 2015. For more information: visit our website
With questions, please contact CDSC directly at
tel. 617-876-5376.